^^Me, my dad, and my brother^^- year was 1993?
Drew Palermo (Founder of The 90s Child)
I was born on August 5, 1990- five days before Dee Lite released their hit ‘Groove is in the Heart’!
Whether it was the nostalgia factor, or the reminiscent driving force that helped inspire the premise of this website, I think one thing’s for certain- my credentials to “represent” the 90s child are enough to have this rare chance of sharing and to have others share their precious memories of what is possibly the greatest decade ever for a kid.
The Highlights
Chuck E’ Cheese was a staple and only just opened up here in my hometown, but unfortunately didn’t bring the ’90s with it…
First time I walked into a Chuck E’ Cheese was 96/97 and I was on such a high, just in awe. One of my shoelaces was untied, I could only ignore it. On the flip side, we lost the Machine Shed at our local mall and the galleria.. LAME.
I have these nostalgia highs that keep popping up making me want to go back and ‘smell’ what the 90’s air was like…
Best Cartoons Ever
As far as television goes and you were a kid between 1990-1999, I’m assuming you never missed a beat with those cinnamon pop tarts when Kids WB was airing Animaniacs.
My craving to listen to ‘Here Comes the Hotstepper’ is an occurence. I know you know that one. Then following that some Smash Mouth, or something. A 90s child has to get their fix!
My mom used to go clubbing on the weekends, Aquarius to be exact, and back then they used to play hits like ‘Another Night’ by Real McCoy or Rhythm is a Dancer by SNAP!. Yep, that’s with an exclamation point. I only heard them on the radio when I had to go on errand trips with her to stores like Tuesday Morning and Econo Foods– when N64 games were being rented out.
If any of my posts strike your fancy because of some pop culture reference or whatever, you’re free to add your feelings to it. The comment section will always be open, don’t be shy.
To leave you off, here is a ‘dance showdown’ with my cousins. Year is 1997 on Christmas Day. I’m the one in the Tazmania devil shirt. My grandma knitted each one of us a sweater that year with one of the Looney Tunes characters. I was the only one left with it on. (Excuse the modernesc electronic music, my bro has been in a dubstep funk, and was when he mixed the video together.) Here is a link to the 1997 Christmas Dancing in gif format, done by myself.